The status of ferroalloy industry with special reference to South Africa
HJ Smith
Strategic planning parameters for the steel and ferroalloy industries
PH Smith
Plasma-arc technology for ferroalloys, part II
DR MacRae
The availability and marketing of vanadium
T Jones
Commercial relationships now and into the twenty-first century
AA Apotsos
The reduction of synthetic iron chromite in the presence of various metal oxides- A thermodynamic-analytical study
CPJ Van Vuuren, JJ Bodenstein, M Sciarone, and P Kestens
The solid-state reduction of chromite
MJ Niayesh and RJ Dippenaar
Kinetic aspects of chromite ore reduction with coal at 1200 to 1500 degrees centigrade
D Neuschutz
Solid-state fluxed reduction of LG-6 chromite from the Bushveld complex
P Weber and RH Eric
The importance of chromite pre-treatment in the production of ferrochromium
M Honkaniemi, H Krogerus, J Daavittila, and P Oikarinen
The smelting behaviour of chromite ores and the formation of slag in the production of high-carbon ferrochromium
S Xu and W Dai
Plasma-arc smelting of fine chromium ores
HR Larson, JF Elliott, and R Perkins JR
The reduction of chromite in Fe-Cr-C-Si alloys
O Demir and RH Eric
An evaluation of process alternatives for the reclamation of ferrochromium from slag
J Visser and W Barrett
Commissioning and operating an induction furnace at Zimasco (KweKwe) to melt high-carbon ferrochromium
S Jene and ST Ravasingadi
Technology for the combined production of chromium metal and ferrochromium
RL Wang
A case study of the production of high-grade manganese sinter from low-grade Mamatwan manganese ore
PC Pienaar and WFP Smith
The production of special SiMn using the gas and powder injection process
R Kamata, Y Kizu, and H Tsujimura
The development of technology for the production of refined ferromanganese in China
Z Jinhua and L Zhizhong
High-productivity operation of a shaft-type ferromanganese smelting furnace
S Suzuki and M Masukawa
Solid-state decarburization of high-carbon ferromanganese
PJ Bhonde and RD Angal
Thermodynamic activity of manganese oxide in ferromanganese slags, and distribution of manganese between the metal and slag phases
H Cengizler and RH Eric
Silicon-metal production on a trial basis from river pebbles originating in Australia
DP O'Shaughnessy, AE Firek, and JE Trunzo
The effect of reductant moisture on the production of 75 percent ferrosilicon
D Retaillick
The production of high-quality silicon metal at Simcoa
CJ Szymkowski and JM Bultitude-Paull
The refining of silicon and ferrosilicon
JKS Tuset
On-line laser measurements of silica dust
EB Gudmundsson and T Hannesson
The total quality programme at Bozel
J Finardi and IC da Silva
Intermetallic compounds in metallurgical silicon
T Margaria, JC Anglezio, and C Servant
The use of vanadium- A brief review
PS Mitchell
Pyrometallurgical processing of vanadiferous slag using plasma/induction heating
RL Howard, SR Richards, BJ Welch, and JJ Moore
Maximizing the return from electrode investments
CF Fulgenzi
The heat-recovery system at Minami-Iwate works
K Kosaka, H Ota, and Y Tamura
Air-pollution control in the Amazonia region: Dust extraction in a silicon-metal plant
R Civile and H de Raedt
Electrical factors affecting the economic optimization of submerged-arc furnaces
A de Waal, IJ Barker, MS Rennie, J Klopper, and BS Groeneveld
The monitoring and repair of furnace linings at TEMCO
M Williams
Planning for future ferroalloy production in South Africa
MA von Below
Wire injection of metallurgical powders into molten metal
GP Crawford
A semi-continuous autothermic reduction process for the production of ferroniobium
R de Fuccio, JR A De Fuccio, EW Betz, and CA de F Sousa
The optimization of parameters for the carbothermic production of ferroboron
O Yucel, O Addemir, and A Tekin
The potential of the 'chrome chain' for South Africa
PR Hatty
The continuous casting of stainless steels
JK Brimacombe,S Kumar, CO Hlady, and IV Samarasekera
Dephosphorization of stainless steels
N Sano and H Katayama
Nitrogen control in chromium steels
RJ Fruehan
The potential of chromium as an alloying element
GT van Rooyen
The austenite-ferrite transformation in 11.5 per cent chromium steels
PGH Pistorius, HJ de Klerk, and GT van Rooyen
High-chromium controlled-hardenability steels
J Hewitt
Optimization of the AOD process at POSCO
HS Song, SM Byun, DJ Min, SK Yoon, and SY Ahn
Mechanical properties of a 316L forging material modified for resistance to sensitization
E Protopappas, CA Smal, and FG de Lange
A simple experimental technique for the determination of MnO activities at 1600°C in (MnO-MgO-SiO2) slags saturated with (MnO-MgO) solid solutions
JMA Geldenhuis, EB Pretorius, and RJ Dippenaar
Carbothermic reduction and desulphurization of chromite with nickel oxide and sulphide
W Dresler, BC Jena, and A McLean
Design criteria for stainless-steel structural members
P van der Merwe and GJ van der Berg
The effect of anisotropy on the fatigue and fracture of a 12 per cent chromium steel
MB Cortie, CJ Fletcher, and W Veldsman
Metallography of high-carbon ferrochromium
A Lesko, E Navara, and TRC Fernandes
The toughness of the heat-affected zone of welds in 11.5 per cent chromium steels
JJJ Zaayman and T van Rooyen
Duplex ferrite-martensite steels containing 16 Wt per cent chromium
RD Knutsen and R Hutchison
Reducing the nickel content in metastable stainless steel
OE Schmid and RD Knutsen
The effect of martensite content on the corrosion and mechanical properties of dual-phase 12 per cent Cr steels
A van Bennekom, LM Mathews, JN Tarboton, and FPA Robinson
Influence of stress and electrochemical effect on initiation and morphology of pits in stainless steels exposed to an aqueous solution of boiling magnesium chloride
DJ Simbi, M Dingwiza, and BD Barker
Corrosion resistance of intermediate chromium-alloy steels in mine waters
PV Scheers, MU Kincer, T Rumpf, and JJ McEwan
Performance of buried 3CR12 pipes in various soil environments
RT White and EA Duligal
The influence of heat-tinted surface layers on the corrosion resistance of stainless steels
T von Moltke, PC Pistorius, and RF Sandenbergh
Analysis of preferred orientation in duplex chromium-nickel steels
HJ Bunge, A Ul Haq, and H Weiland
From niche to commodity, 3CR12- a ten year scenario
DK Maxwell, K Dewar, and I Warrington
Modern stainless steels to combat chloride-induced localized corrosion
J Olsson
The influence of carbon content on the oxidation and wear resistance of Fe-20%Cr alloy at elevated temperatures
JD Xing and QD Zhou
The susceptibility of 12per cent chromium steels to stress-corrosion cracking
RF Sandenbergh and PGH Pistorius
Stainless steel, with 11 per cent chromium and high yield strength, for welded constructions resistant to corrosion and abrasion
JC Charenton, P Rombeaux, B Hurtaud, and JM Hauser
Influence of ruthenium content on the corrosion in sulphuric acid of a duplex stainless steel
JH Potgieter, W Skinner, and AM Heyns
The effect of an oxygen atmosphere on the creep-fatigue failure of iron-chromium alloys at 600°C
E Aghion, J Ferreira, and D Eliezer
Smelting reduction of chromite ore in an oxygen converter
T Izawa, H Katayama, and N Sano
Ferroalloy production by the smelting-reduction process with a coke packed bed
H Itaya, S Taguchi, K Igawa, and T Nozaki
A dynamic process-control system for steel converters
P Hahlin
The role of ferroboron and ferrotitanium in steel: Production methods, quality, and addition techniques
RW Bebbington