Running Pyrosim Under Microsoft Windows©
Pyrosim runs well in a Dos window under Microsoft Windows 95.
Windows 3.1 can slow Pyrosim's execution but this depends on the foreground and background settings in your Pif Editor. Multitasking is not recommended.
Pyrosim has been found to run acceptably under Windows NT©.
The first time the program is used, select the option Setup/Printer to specify the type of printer you have connected.
At a later stage, when you have a number of established models, you can make Pyrosim directly select a particular system by typing the three-character identifier as part of the command line. For example, to run Pyrosim using the *.EXT system (EXT is your own extension), you should type PYROSIM .EXT at the DOS prompt.
The "Stainless Steel" System
Pyrosim Models on a Diskette
× The ram drive is temporary, if the power fails all is lost.
Phone: +27 (11) 709-4642
Pyrosim is supplied on two 5¼" floppy disks or on one 3½" floppy disk, and is intended for use on a hard disk. Installation is done by copying all files from the floppy disks to a directory called C:\PYROSIM (or any other name you prefer). The program is then run from this directory, by typing PYROSIM. If you would like to develop a unique model you will first have to select the relevant species using Pyromake or Thermo.
Pyrosim can be configured to run in a DOS shell under Windows. Pyrosim run time errors are not common, however Windows sometimes crashes for no apparent reason. The preferred way to run Pyrosim is from DOS.
If you are using a computer with a monochrome screen, start the program by typing PYROSIM /BW.
Included with the program is a self-contained system specifically for use in the Fe-Cr system. These models have been included for backward compatibility and are no longer supported. If you intend modelling a stainless steel operation you should rather set up your own models from scratch (using the instructions which follow).
If you have Pyrosim data files on a floppy/stiffy you can use one of the following options to run your Pyrosim files. The following points assume that you already have Pyrosim installed on the new computer.
× Note that if the extension of the files in drive B is the same as another model's on your hard disk you will overwrite the files with the same extension in the hard drive.
¤ Don't forget to make a backup if you make significant changes to the model in the ram drive.
Contact Information
Pyrometallurgy Division, Mintek,
200 Hans Strijdom Drive, Randburg, 2125, South Africa
Private Bag X3015, Randburg, 2125, South Africa.
Fax: +27 (11) 793-6241
Copyright © 1996-97 George la Grange, Mintek,
19 June 2001